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I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Chemistry and an NSF Research Fellow in the Hartwig Group at the University of California, Berkeley. My research focuses on combining transition-metal catalysis with data science, machine learning, and high-throughput experimentation to accelerate discovery in synthetic chemistry.

My experience spans organic and inorganic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis, high-throughput experimentation, analytical chemistry, computational chemistry, molecular docking, programming, machine learning, and data science.

Outside of the lab, you can find me hiking, brewing coffee, tending to my vegetable garden, and throwing pottery.


Graduate Student Researcher

Hartwig Group, UC Berkeley

2021 - Current

  • My research is focused on transition-metal catalysis, machine learning, and high-throughput experimentation.

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Shi Group, USF

2019 - 2021

  • Developed new ligand systems for gold catalysis, focused on the development of new organic transformations.

Selected Publications


UC Berkeley Seal

University of California, Berkeley

Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Organic Chemistry

2021 - 2026

  • Awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
USF Seal

University of South Florida

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

2017 - 2021

  • Awarded the ACS Scholars Program Scholarship
